History of Pasta

History of pasta

History of pasta Pasta is a Greek word which means to knead. In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome the use of flour mixed with salt and water was very common. In the 4th century BC a Greek writer used the word “laganon” to refer to layers of fresh pasta. This word is the ancestor of […]

Pesto: Gestern, Heute und Weinbegleitung


Pesto ist eines der italienischen Meisterwerke und gehört zu den bekanntesten kalten Saucen der Welt. Obwohl der klassische „Pesto alla Genovese“ erst im 19. Jahrhundert in Ligurien geschaffen wurde, die Mischung aromatischer Kräuter mit Käse und Knoblauch hat eine sehr lange Tradition. Virgilio sagt in einem seiner Skripte, dass es im alten Rom schon solche “Moretum” […]

The Talking Statue of Pasquino – Secret Rome

PASQUINO Pasquino was a taylor who used to live in Rome during the 16th century. He was known by people as a satirist.  Everytime he saw some injustice made by some rich man or authorities and church, he always denounced by satires so many people (expecially the ones who committed some injustice) were afraid by […]